Acne, in Latin acne vulgaris, is a very common skin disorder that most adolescents suffer from. Unfortunately, someone also suffers from this discomfort in adulthood, especially women due to excessive stress and hormonal changes. Several skin conditions can affect this skin condition. The main ones that cause acne are nutrition, external influences, or psychic stress may be the factor. Acne can also be caused by inappropriate cosmetics, lack of exercise, sleep, or certain medications. The skin is an important organ that protects you from external influences and its condition reflects our lifestyle.

Does it also happen to you that you look in the mirror in the morning and there it is? It usually appears at the least convenient time and now what about it?

We have a rescue for you in the form of our 100% natural BIOACTIVE COSMETIC LINE:

The unique solution is in the form of Cremcann Silver Skin Cream with silver citrate. It is ideal in the care of acne and cold sores for all skin types, including sensitive ones. It is easily absorbed, and does not stick!

Silver citrate has strong antibacterial and antiseptic effects. These microparticles are even smaller than the size of viruses and bacteria so they can penetrate them and block them. A question arises: How it is possible when silver has such an effect that it does not block even the good bacteria that we want in the body. Silver citrate blocks only the so-called oxygen-free microorganisms, ie. those that do not need oxygen for their lives. The microparticles penetrate hostile pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) and begin to break down their enzymes, without which they cannot exist. Pathogens are blocked within minutes.

Other benefits of silver citrate in cosmetics are:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • helps with the healing of wounds and scars
  • cleanses and regenerates the skin
  • reduces enlarged pores
  • reduces sebum secretion
  • soothes the skin

Many happy customers can confirm the supreme effect of the Cremcann Silver Skin Cream. Do not hesitate and get rid of acne once and for all! We must not forget other amazing products from the ANNABIS line of BIOACTIVE COSMETICS. For more information, click here: