Majority of our hemp products have been awarded with the CPK certificate issued by KEZ o.p.s. – the first Czech accredited control and certification organization for natural and organic cosmetics.

Natural CPK certificate

The CPK certification brand was founded in 2007. The main goals of this company are: to facilitate the consumer’s awareness of the natural cosmetics market; health protection; and environmental protection. Any producer can request to be certified, and if the product fulfils the strict criteria, its packaging may bear the CPK logo, a guarantee of the product’s genuine natural character. The certificate, based on the standards set by the French company Ecocert, guarantees that the product doesn’t contain any synthetic compounds and substances harmful to the human body. CPK certification is granted by KEZ – Kontrola ekologického zemědělství o.p.s. in the Czech Republic, an independent inspecting authority which also inspects ecological farming. One of the most important requirements for obtaining this certification is that the product is made exclusively from natural ingredients which were picked in an environmentally-friendly manner. Environmental protection and the least impact on the environment are emphasized.

The product mustn’t contain any synthetic compounds and substances harmful to human health. It’s also forbidden to use genetically modified ingredients, petroleum derivatives, synthetic fragrant substances, chemical preservatives, artificial dyes, chemical UV filters, and animal-based products whose procurement involved the death of an animal (substances such as lanolin, honey, or milk – i.e. those not dependent on an animal’s death – are an exception). Products can’t be tested on animals. Just like most foreign certifications, CPK pays attention not only to the composition of products, but also to the method of their manufacturing and their packaging materials. Respect for the carrying capacity of ecosystems, and recyclability of packaging are desired.

Natural CPK Organic certificate

CPK Organic is a stricter version of the CPK certificate. The basic criteria aren’t much different, but in order to obtain the “bio” version, organic ingredients must constitute at least 20% of the overall composition. The adjective “organic” guarantees not only the CPK certification standards (i.e. the prohibition of synthetic and harmful substances, environmentally-friendly approach, etc.), but also that ingredients produced by ecological farming were used. CPK organic certification is granted by KEZ – Kontrola ekologického zemědělství o.p.s. in the Czech Republic, an independent inspecting authority which also inspects ecological farming.

   “We’re delighted to offer products bearing this certification to our customers”

More information: http://www.kez.cz/prirodni-a-bio-kosmetika