Likewise in the distant past, nowadays hemp is used for its significant medicinal effects. Recently, there have been many scientific studies carried out which acknowledged efficiency of hemp in medicine. A history of hemp goes hand in hand with a colonization history and development of human communities.

Thanks to the resistance of the plant and its ability to adapt, its utilization gradually spread across all continents. Our ancestors used hemp for the manufacture of paper, clothes, oils, impregnating substances and colours. Surprisingly, they cared about recycling in the past as well. Old sails and clothes were further recycled into paper. It is interesting that in 1640 the governor of Connecticut State ordered all landowners to grow the plant. Among others, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, the presidents of United States of America, belonged to the biggest cultivators of hemp on the American continent.

A decline in hemp cultivating was heralded primarily by following events. In 19th century, it was the improvement of cotton processing technology, abolishment of slavery (cheap working force for hard work in hemp industry) and in 20th century, it was the invention of synthetic fibers. Nowadays there is an apparent tendency to utilization of hemp, mainly in Europe and North America, first and foremost for its versatility and low environmental load. World academics pay great attention to the utilization of medicinal attributes of hemp in an ordinary life.


Hemp is a variety of cannabis that is grown for the fiber and seeds. The fiber and seeds are incredible valuable and that is why hemp is often called a “cash crop”. Hemp is a very hearty plant and grows very quickly in very diverse soil conditions. Cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes has been done by many civilizations for over 12,000 years. Industrial hemp was the desired fiber used to manufacture rope, canvas, paper, and clothing until alternative textiles and synthetics for these purposes were discovered. Although China has been the largest hemp producer over the years, other… [read more]


Hemp possesses significant anti-inflammatory, healing, antibacterial and antiviral effects. This herb helps effectively not only in a case of serious diseases but when applied locally in the form of tincture or ointment it brings relief and quick healing even with usual health problems. It proves especially well during treatment of so called lifestyle diseases and diseases connected with old age.

Hemp seeds and oil are one of the best sources of essential fatty acids. Apart from scarce gamma-linolenic acid they contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, in perfect ratio of 3:1 (human skin contains ratio of 4:1). Hemp seeds contain all eight essential amino acids. A term “essential” is used since human body is not able to produce these amino acids and therefore people need to receive them from food or by absorbing. One handful of hemp seeds meets daily amount of proteins and fatty acids for an adult.


For excellent taste and your healthy heart. The principal product made from hemp seeds today is undoubtedly the oil. Purified or refined hemp seed oil is clear and colorless. There is not much flavor to hemp oil and it lacks natural vitamins and antioxidants. Refined hemp seed oil is primarily used in body care products. Industrial hempseed oil is used in fuel, paints, plastics etc. Hemp seed oil has is used in the production of some healthcare products. The hemp oil has a high nutritional value because its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body. [read more]


Lumír Ondrej Hanus is a Czech analytic chemist and a leading authority in the field of cannabis research. In 1992, he and William Anthony Devane isolated and first described the structure of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter. Doc. RNDr. Lumir Ondrej Hanus, DrSc., Dr.h.c. Lumír Hanus was born in 1947 in Olomouc, in what was then Czechoslovakia. He is a distant relative of a Czech chemist Josef Hanus (1872–1955). In 1966, Hanus entered as a student the Faculty of Science of Palacky University Olomouc. In 1970, a professor Zdenek Krejci of the Faculty of… [read more]


Buddhist tradition says that during six steps of denial, which led him to enlightenment, Buddha ate one hemp seed per day. Notes about state banquet of Chinese dynasty Chou (approx. 1000 B.C.) shows that boiled hemp seed was a part of cereal meals. Till 1983 hemp paper made 75% of the world paper production. After years of research Henry Ford made cars with plastic bodywork. The solidity of the material was provided by mixture of cellulose fiber, including hemp. It resists 10 times stronger hit than steel without changing its shape. Thanks to its high protein intake hemp seed can be used as a … [read more]

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